Thursday, May 26, 2011

My recent creations...

The lemon spaghetti with goat cheese on top that I sacrificed part of the tip of my finger to create. I feel I should take cooking safety lessons...

My Easter bunny. After I made walnut milk, I used the walnut grounds to make homemade marzipan, shaped the bunny, then dried him in the oven. To quote cooking god Alton Brown, "Awww, he's cute"

Homemade hummus, homemade tzaziki, homemade bread, lettuce (not homemade, though I'm sure in the future we'll be able to gene splice our own lettuce in our very own kitchen!). NEVER AGAIN will buy Costco hummus because this took two seconds of manual labor. TWO. Count them. Costco hummus takes two seconds to put in your shopping cart. Choose your destiny padawan.

Nicaraguan food--fried plantains, gallo pinto, and THE GREEN!! (salsa verde, one of the more addicting combinations of water, sugar, and vegetable flavorings)

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